Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Roughcut Coupler Mod Tutorial

2x 1/2 CPVC couplers
2x 3/4 CPVC couplers
1x nerf Elite Roughcut
1x Hot Glue Gun
2x Hot Glue Sticks
Electrical Tape
Dremel and Cutting bit
Thats about it. Lets start.
Here is your internals. Take the barrell assembly out by turning the white peice to seperate the assembly from the slide and trigger.
Now take the barrells of of the plunger assembly. It should just slide off. Next take your 3/4 and 1/2" couplers and wrap the 1/2" couplers in E-Tape until you have to hammer them into the 3/4" couplers. They wont come out when you pull your barrells off the coupler. Try and make them even.
Now take your plungers and hot glue the coupler combination to the front of the plunger assembly. I know there are better options to hotglue but I only have hotglue at them moment. Expoxy would be better, but like I said I have none.
Now here comes the fun part. Take your dremel and cut the shell like so. This is so the Plunger assembly will fit in the shell.
Put the barrel assembly back on the rest of the internals. The white piece you turned earlier to get the plungers off is a pain to put back on. You have to turn it and push the orange pieces apart a bit to get it in the groove.
When you put the shell back on and screw it back together it should look like this.
The whole blaster
Comments and Criticism welcome.

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